Our wonderful music director, Ms. Beasley, has been very busy with our Hamilton Choir and Modern Band. They recently showcased their incredible talents at some exciting events.

The Hamilton Choir got to participate in Join Voices Chicago, an equity initiative that gathered 10 other CPS schools (high schools and middle schools) to perform for each other and receive clinic time with esteemed educator Lonnie Norwood. This festival lets voices, especially those that have been underrepresented, be seen and heard, and really celebrates the historical roots of Western music as we know it today.
The Hamilton Choir performed "Freedom is coming" and "Siyahamba" so passionately and received high praise for how confidently and fully they filled up the room from Mr. Norwood. See their performance here!
There was also a whole group piece taught by Mr. Norwood and learned by all the participating choirs on that day - see the incredibly powerful performance of “Ise Oluwa” here.
Click here to see photos/videos of Hamilton choir’s trip in its entirety. In case you can’t tell, we had so much fun!!! :)
None of Hamilton choir’s incredible accomplishments would be possible without the co-direction Martha Albers!!! She was busy with Walkathon on this day, but everything she taught us contributed to the beautiful music we were able to share. We also want to give a huge shout-out to Lauren Harper, our student teacher who worked with choir on this repertoire for the past 8 weeks!

Modern band members who chose to participate got the opportunity to perform in front of the ENTIRE school at Patriot Palooza. The band called themselves the Capo Ninja Stars!
See a video of their performance here - they absolutely KILLED “First Date” by Blink-182!!! What a large audience and a brave band! A special thank you to Pre-K and Kindergarten class 110 for letting us get out some pre-performance jitters by practicing performing for you all in the weeks leading up!
Congratulations to all performers and to our amazing musical team at Hamilton!!